
3/8 遊驛之聲 II (Wandering Voices II)@十方樂集

驛之聲 II (Wandering Voices II) - 從中國、印度到歐洲巴洛克,聽見古老文明的現代新貌

旅英多年,屢獲中西古典樂獎項的莊承穎(假聲男高音/中阮/柳琴),與擊樂家/跨界表演家汪雅婷的「繆思踏泥客」,本次邀請日籍印度西塔琴演奏家 Sitar Yo(金光亮平 Ryohei Kanemitsu),以及遊藝於傳統與現代的二胡演奏家羅堂軒,攜手激盪出一場別開生面的世界音樂饗宴。

繼2009「遊驛之聲」英國巡迴廣受好評,並在愛丁堡藝穗節獲得先鋒報的四星評價「牽動性靈的美感」後,「遊驛之聲 II」延續其跨文化的音樂會製作模式,以中國、印度與西方、古曲到現代、聲樂及器樂之融合,呈現出當今全球化的音樂新風貌。觀眾將有機會欣賞到特殊世界樂種及獨特樂器(印度古樂、敦煌古樂、英國魯特琴歌、邊疆民歌元素、中國戲曲元素、自由即興、假聲男高音、西塔琴、二胡、中阮/柳琴、傳統/世界/現代打擊樂)之間的嶄新對話!

假聲男高音、中阮、柳琴/莊承穎 www.cchuang.net
西塔琴/Yo(金光亮平) http://sitaryo.blogspot.com/
二胡/羅堂軒 www.wretch.cc/blog/tanghsuanlo
擊樂/汪雅婷 www.musforum.com.tw/index.php?site=1&act=forum_member&code=detail&ids=26

2013/3/8 (Fri) 7.30PM 十方樂集音樂劇場演奏廳 (台北市民族西路187巷4號)
票價NT$350(折扣 NT$315),國立中正文化中心兩廳院售票:http://tinyurl.com/agcqyku
【折扣訊息】 •兩廳院之友購票享9折優惠



Wandering Voices II - From Ancient China, India to Baroque Europe, hear the contemporary expression of ancient civilizations

Musitonik Ensemble is a cross-cultural music group founded by Cheng-Ying Chuang, a prize-winning Taiwanese musician producing/performing cross-genre music, and Ya-Ting (Jennifer) Wang, a percussionist and multi-artform performing artist. On this event, two cross-genre musicians, sitarist Yo (Ryohei Kanemitsu) and erhu player Tanghsuan Lo, were invited to create an unique night of world music fusion.

After “Wandering Voices” tour in the UK, a Chinese/Western classical fusion concert won a 4-star review “Hauntingly Beautiful” on prestigious newspaper The Herald during Edinburgh Fringe 2009, “Wandering Voices II” will continue the cross-cultural dialogue and fuse music elements of China, Indian, and the West, ancient and contemporary, vocal and instrumental. Wandering Voices will lead the audience to experience several unique music genres/instruments in the world (Indian classical, Central and minority China, English lute songs, Chinese opera elements, sitar, countertenor, zhongruan, liuqin, world percussion, improvisation…etc.), and their cross-cultural dialogue in our time. 

Creative team/Musicians (please see biographies on artists' website/blog): 
Cheng-Ying Chuang – countertenor/zhongruan/liuqin www.cchuang.net
Ya-Ting Wang – percussion http://sitaryo.blogspot.com/
Yo (Ryohei Kanemitsu) – sitar www.wretch.cc/blog/tanghsuanlo
Tang-Hsuan Lo – erhu www.wfu.edu.tw/~ecce/teachers.php?page=2

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