
10月24日西塔琴&塔布拉鼓 工作坊By Yoshida Daikiti+指原一登

西塔琴&塔布拉鼓 工作坊By Yoshida Daikiti+指原一登
10月24日上午 10:00~12:30 
参加費用:800元(含 Yo老師貼心印度午餐 )
地點 : 三重區中興北街121號4F (tel-0988134403)
老師:Yoshida Daikiti+指原一登

我們邀請到西塔琴大師 Shujaat Khan 的弟子Yoshida Daikiti 來分享如何用簡單及重要的關鍵元素來創造音樂。

在這次的工作坊,為了找回學習及創造的樂趣, 我將會用簡單的音階來帶大家做練習及學習利用簡單的音階做出好玩的音樂。]Yoshida Daikiti

重點: 學習把每一個音彈及打清楚。彈打出好的聲音及利用簡單的技巧來創造音樂。
* 慢慢彈奏 SRGMPAM 。 仔細聽及練習連續的聲音。
* 注意身體的姿勢,手指撥弦及打鼓的力道及動作。
* 用 Raga Yaman 的音階及Teental Tekha 來做不同速度的練習。
* 學習用簡單的旋律及節奏做即興。


Sitar& Tabla Workshop By Yoshida Daikiti+指原一登
24th of October 10:00~12:30
Fee:800NT(Inclouding Indian lunch plate)
地點 : 4F No 121 Zhonxhin north road Sangchunn -dist (tel-0988134403)
老師:Yoshida Daikiti+Sashihara Kazuto

We invite Sitar Player Yoshida daikiti (senior disciple of Ustad Shujaat khan) and 指原一登 to share beauty of simplesity and important key point of creating music.

[North indian music has long history with rich foundation of ideas, phosophy, sprits, music theory and technique. And there are many different kind of understanding. But because of massiveness of North indain music, we often forget fun and beauty of the music itself. So in this WS, we try to refind fun and beauty of the music through basic scare practice and learn how to make music with simple melody and technique] by Yoshida Daikiti

Point:Focus every single note, produce note attentively, playing correctly, create music with simple technique

*Playing SAREGAM slowly: Carefully listen to sasutaion of sound
*To check body movement with details: conscious own posture, check stroke movement and pressure
*Playing SAREGAM and Tekha with diffrent tempo: Practice several diffrent tempowith simple compostion of Raga Yaman and Tekha of Teentaal.
*Leaning how to make improvisation with simple melody of Raga Yaman and Teentaal Tekha.
*Plz bring your instrument. Recoding is allowed, please be on time.

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