
5/16Kirtan party@Pipe live music

Music to awaken your heart!

enjoy an inspiring evening of devotional music

一個動感與感性兼具的夜晚 透過當晚的音樂 歌聲 甚至身體的擺動 喚醒你的感官 沉澱你的自我

將當晚匯集的正面能量 奉獻給心中所愛 心中所信

入場門票: NT 400 (含一杯特調飲料)

入場所得扣除相關行政費用將全數捐給 <讓需要的人都能學瑜伽>專案

Admission ticket: NT 400 (including a non-alcohol or alcohol drink)

* 100 % of net profit will go to a project that supports < teaching yoga to people in need>

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