
7/23 超快列車快到!!科羅曼德 之「魂遊印度」: Soul Travel in India Show

歡迎搭乘 科羅曼德 號特快列車 用音樂一窺南北印度風貌!

免費取票 !!!

Coromandel Express (科羅曼德號) 起訖點為北印度的加爾各答和南印度的青奈,
此名稱代表了團員們南北印度的音樂背景和融合。本樂團由北印度代表-Waka和Yo以及南印度代表-Cody和 Paige所組成。音樂上不但融合了南北印度的古典音樂,也加入了許多西洋現代,古典以及爵士樂。精密複雜的節奏,極高難度的即興, 是 Coromandel Express 的主要特色。四位堅持理念,來自三個不同的國家的音樂人。在台灣,Coromandel Express 將帶領觀眾到一個全新的聆聽世界。

Paige 蘇珮卿 | flutes/harp/vocals 長笛/印度笛/豎琴/主唱
Yo 金光亮平 | sitar 西塔琴
Waka 若池敏弘 | tabla 塔不拉鼓
Cody 白克迪 | kanjira /percussion 甘及拉/打擊

特別嘉賓 RickyQ(西瓦印度舞團)

English Info:

Welcome aboard the Coromandel Express and get a glimpse of what it's like to experience an Indian sojourn!

Tickets available at the door or, from 7/16 onwards, you can pick up your free tickets at any of the following locations: 新北市藝文中心1樓藝廊、新北市政府3樓市府藝廊、新莊文藝中心服務台、板橋天才書坊(文化店)

In India, the Coromandel Express is a train that runs along the Coromandel Coast from Kolkata to Chennai. We decided to borrow the name for our band because we feel it represents our unique musical identity. The train links India’s musically-distinctive northern and southern regions, and in a way, our group is also a union of various musical styles. Yo (sitar) and Waka (tabla) represent the Hindustani style of North India, while Paige (flutes) and Cody (kanjira/percussion) bring influences from the Carnatic genre of the South, as well as infuse elements from their Western music backgrounds. Like the train, the performers in Coromandel Express meet in the middle to serve up a “musical masala” that is at once peaceful, vibrant, expressive, and exciting. Drawing from Indian genres (classical and folk), Western styles (jazz, classical, and rock), and other World music idioms, Coromandel Express is fusion within fusion.

Group Members:
Paige 蘇珮卿 | flutes/harp/vocals
Yo 金光亮平 | sitar
Waka 若池敏弘 | tabla
Cody 白克迪 | kanjira /percussion

Special Guest: Ricky Q (Shiva Indian Dance Group)

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