5/23 在世界新聞攝影展Coromandel Express 科羅曼德融合樂團演出!
5/23 在世界新聞攝影展晩上7pm Coromandel Express 科羅曼德融合樂團演出!
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Paige (蘇珮卿) - flutes/harp ...長笛/南印度笛/豎琴
Yo (金光亮平 ) -sitar 西塔琴
Waka (若池敏弘) - tabla 塔不拉鼓
Cody (白克迪) - kanjira, percussion 甘及拉/打擊
Coromandel Express 是印度科羅曼德海岸的特快列車。起訖點為北印度的加爾各答和南印度的青奈。此名稱代表了團員們南北印度的音樂背景和融合。本樂團由北印度代表-Waka和Yo以及南印度代表 -Cody和Paige所組成。音樂上不但融合了南北印度的古典音樂,有時候也加入了西洋現代,古典以及爵士樂。精密複雜的節奏,極高難度的即興, 是 Coromandel Express 的主要特色。四位堅持理念,來自三個不同的國家的音樂人。在 台灣,Coromandel Express 將帶領你到一個全新的聆聽世界。
The Coromandel Express is a train that links the North and the South of India along the Coromandel Coast. It runs from Kolkata to Chennai and represents the group's musical background. Yo (sitar) and Waka (tabla) represent the Hindustani style of North India, while Paige (flutes) and Cody (kanjira/percussion) bring influences from the Carnatic genre of the South. These performers meet in the middle to serve up a musical masala that is at once peaceful, cerebral, expressive, and beautiful. Also drawing from Western jazz, classical, and other World music idioms, Coromandel Express is fusion within fusion.
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
2 件のコメント:
Sitar Yo !
Are you ready for the fast train ride?? I AM!!
yeah! But i have to take Medicine for train sick!