

 有表演録音在myspace. 聴聴看!!

【SUKHENA】成立於2007年,創立之初原是4重奏,而現在保留3重奏的表演形式。主要的演奏者由日籍Tabla鼓手若池敏弘(Tabla Waka)、日籍Sitar琴樂手金光亮平(Sitar Yo)和法籍鋼琴、手風琴樂手Lio組成。【SUKHENA】的表演概念是希望將3人擅長的音樂風格:印度傳統音樂、歐洲音樂融合在一起,並加入樂手們原創作曲、即興演出,創造出一種獨有的曲調和節奏,拓展世界音樂的新領域。而【SUKHENA】這個名字,源自於梵文,形容「超脫極樂」的境界,樂手們希望藉由他們的音樂,引領聽眾們踏上靈性冥想的旅程,達到極至的平靜與喜悅。

SUKHENA was founded in early 2007 as a quartet and is performing now as a trio, featuring Japanese tabla player Waka, Japanese Sitar player Yo and French pianist & accordionist Lio. The idea of SUKHENA is to bring together both Indian & European musical concepts and to explore the possibilities of such combination through original composition, going beyond established rhythmic & melodic rules and resulting in a unique creation of world music and sound. The name of SUKHENA comes from Sanskrit language and means “in transcendental happiness”, which is the music SUKHENA tries to offer to its audience: a spiritual and meditative musical journey to transcend harmony and happiness.

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